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Zeta Long Paths [32|64bit]


Zeta Long Paths Crack + Free Registration Code [Latest] Zeta Long Paths is a small library (around 700 lines of code) for C# (or Java) development. This library has three main classes: ZlpFileInfo, ZlpDirectoryInfo, and ZlpIOHelper. These three classes are in fact the core classes of Zeta Long Paths. ZlpFileInfo and ZlpDirectoryInfo are responsible for the basic file and directory path manipulation that we usually need in an application. The ZlpIOHelper classes provide additional functionality on file paths that are longer than the maximum size of a directory name (MAX_PATH = 260 characters). Zeta Long Paths Key Features: Easy to use. Object-oriented classes. API documentation. Cross-platform (.NET Framework and Mono) support. This project has source code, it can be compiled using Microsoft Visual C# or Mono C#. Open source under the MIT license. Zeta Long Paths does not include any third-party assemblies that are dependent on or included with the.NET Framework. Open Source: Basic Usage: Create a new class public class FileInfo { // Required for ZlpFileInfo public int Attributes { get; set; } // Required for ZlpDirectoryInfo public string Path { get; set; } // Required for ZlpFileInfo public int Size { get; set; } // Required for ZlpDirectoryInfo public string FullName { get; set; } // Required for ZlpFileInfo public string Name { get; set; } // Required for ZlpDirectoryInfo public string ParentPath { get; set; } // Required for ZlpFileInfo public string FullPath { get; set; } // Required for ZlpDirectoryInfo public string DirectoryName { get; set; } // Required for ZlpFileInfo public string NameWithoutExtension { get; set; } // Required for ZlpDirectoryInfo public string NameWithoutExtension { get; set; } // Required for ZlpFileInfo Zeta Long Paths Zeta Long Paths Crack Free Download is a small.NET library that provides several classes and functions to perform basic functions on file paths and folder paths that are longer than the "MAX_PATH" limit of 260 characters. Currently there are the following classes: ZlpFileInfo - A class similar to System.IO.FileInfo that wraps functions to work on file paths. ZlpDirectoryInfo - A class similar to System.IO.DirectoryInfo that wraps functions to work on folder paths. ZlpIOHelper - A set of static functions to provide similar features as the ZlpFileInfo and ZlpDirectoryInfo class but in a static context. ZlpPathHelper - A set of static functions similar to System.IO.Path that work on paths. Usage: . --fileSystem [Path] --folderSystem [Path] --contains [Strings] --exists [Path] --getFullPath [Path] --getFileName [Path] --getFileExtension [Path] --getFileContent [Path] --getFileSize [Path] --getFileMD5 [Path] --getFileHash [Path] --isFile [Path] --isFolder [Path] --isSystemFolder [Path] --isFileOnDisk [Path] --isFileOnDiskOrFolder [Path] --isFolderOnDisk [Path] --isFolderOnDiskOrFile [Path] --isFileOnLocalStorage [Path] --isFileOnLocalStorageOrFolder [Path] --isFileOnRemoteStorage [Path] --isFileOnRemoteStorageOrFolder [Path] --isValid [Path] --isWritable [Path 1a423ce670 Zeta Long Paths Crack + License Code & Keygen Free For Windows #define ZLP_MAX_PATH_LENGTH 2147483647 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ZlpPathInfo { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string path; public bool isDirectory; public long len; public int pad; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ZlpFileInfo { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string fullPath; public int len; public int pad; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ZlpDirectoryInfo { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string fullPath; public int len; public int pad; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ZlpPathHelper { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string path; public int len; public int pad; public ZlpPathHelper(string path) { this.path = path; this.len = (path.Length) + 1; } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ZlpIOHelper { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string fullPath; public int len; public int pad; public ZlpIOHelper(string fullPath) { this.fullPath = fullPath; this.len = (fullPath.Length) + 1; } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct ZlpPathHelper { [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] public string path; public int What's New In Zeta Long Paths? System Requirements For Zeta Long Paths: 1. Windows XP/Vista/7/8 OS (32-bit or 64-bit) 2. 2 GB RAM (6 GB or more recommended) 3. 5 GB available disk space 4. DirectX 9 or OpenGL 5. Power Sound and Keyboard 6. 1280x1024 resolution For those who plan to play online, please ensure that your computer meets the requirements for playing online games on Runescape. Most online game software will install three files: 1. Data

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